Copyright? Just wanna watch a movie…

After the Youtube-Clip yesterday, I wanted to spontaneously watch “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”, have not seen that a long time.Looks like no one wants my money, could not find it to buy/rent for download. DVD? Come on… that’s sooo last century, not going to wait days, Saturday evening is now. I’m relatively sure I could find it somewhere in the Internet…? But not my style… reading is better anyways, got magazines and a Kindle…

On the topic: Article by Johnny HĂ€usler: Ich heb dann mal ur – Spreeblick (in German!)

Steinheim/ Mallorca: Woman dies in an accident with a drunk cop –

OMG. Unfortunately accidents can happen even in paradise.

Steinheim/ Mallorca: Urlauberin stirbt bei Unfall mit betrunkenem Polizisten –

(short version: a woman was killed in an accident caused by a drunken police-men)

The last time I was on Mallorca, I had less “dangerous situations” during two weeks than I generally have here around Böblingen on a typical weekend.

Very sad!

… about all and nothing …